Máquina de envasado vertical vs horizontal: ¿Cuál es la diferencia?

08 de noviembre de 2023

Packaging is critical in the manufacturing and distribution industries. It not only protects things, but it also functions as a branding and marketing tool. Manufacturers must decide whether to utilize vertical or horizontal packaging for their products. Both methods have distinct advantages and applications, and understanding the differences between them is essential for making the right choice. In this article, we will explore the key disparities between vertical and horizontal packaging to help you decide which method suits your specific needs.

¿Qué es el embalaje vertical?

El envasado vertical, comúnmente conocido como envasado de formado-llenado-sellado (FFS), es un método para fabricar envases a partir de rollos planos de película.The film is typically unrolled and shaped into a tubular form around a product. The package is then sealed and cut, creating a pouch or bag.

Características clave del embalaje vertical

Eficiencia y versatilidad

Vertical packaging is highly efficient and versatile, capable of packaging a wide range of products, from granular items like rice to liquid products such as sauces and even non-food items like pet food or detergent. It can support a wide range of product shapes and sizes, including irregular shapes and sizes, lo que lo convierte en una buena solución para los productores con líneas de productos diversificadas.

Opciones de sellado

Vertical packaging provides a variety of sealing choices, including heat sealing, impulse sealing, and ultrasonic sealing, allowing producers to choose the optimum approach for their unique product and package material. This adaptability ensures product integrity and minimizes the risk of leakage or contamination.

Tipos de embalaje

Vertical packaging may be used to create a variety of package styles, including pillow bags, gusset bags, and quad-seal bags. Estas opciones brindan a los fabricantes la flexibilidad de elegir el estilo de empaque que mejor se adapte a sus productos y requisitos de marca.

Automatización e integración

Vertical packing machines are ideal for automation and integration into manufacturing processes. They can be integrated with other equipment like multihead weighers, augers, and volumetric fillers, streamlining the packaging process and increasing production efficiency.

¿Qué es el embalaje horizontal?

El embalaje horizontal, por otro lado, consiste en colocar un producto sobre una banda plana de material de embalaje y envolverlo a su alrededor.This method is commonly used for products like chocolate bars, biscuits, and other items with a rectangular or square shape.

Características clave del embalaje horizontal

Estética y branding

Horizontal packaging is often chosen for products where visual appeal is essential, como confitería, bocadillos y productos de panadería.The horizontal position of the packaging allows a broader canvas for branding, product graphics, and nutritional information, which can increase customer appeal.

Eficiencia y sostenibilidad de la película

In terms of film utilization, horizontal packaging may be quite efficient. It reduces material waste since it frequently includes accurate cutting and sealing. This efficiency can contribute to sustainability efforts by reducing packaging waste.

Facilidad de uso

Products packaged horizontally are typically easy for consumers to open. Horizontal packaging frequently uses tear strips and resealable features to provide convenience while also guaranteeing that the food remains fresh and protected after opening.


Horizontal packagingEs ideal para productos con formas únicas o aquellos que requieren ventanas o características troqueladas personalizadas.This personalization may make items stand out on the shelf and capture the attention of customers.

Embalaje secundario

Horizontal packaging may also be integrated into secondary packaging solutions like carton overwrapping or case packing, que se utilizan ampliamente en el sector de alimentos y bebidas para agrupar artículos para el tránsito y la exhibición minorista.

Elegir el método de envasado adecuado

The choice between vertical and horizontal packaging ultimately depends on the nature of your product, production needs, and marketing objectives. Here are some factors to consider when making this decision:
Forma del producto: Si su producto tiene una forma irregular, o si desea enfatizar la estética y la marca, el empaque horizontal puede ser la mejor opción. Vertical packaging may be preferable for commodities such as chips, snacks, and drinks.
Velocidad de producción: Vertical packing machines are often faster than horizontal packaging machines, lo que los hace ideales para la fabricación de grandes volúmenes.While horizontal packaging is adaptable, it may be preferable for low-volume or specialty items. Limitaciones de espacio: Considere la cantidad de espacio disponible en su planta de producción. If you have limited floor space, a vertical packaging machine might be the more practical choice.
Material de embalaje:Your choice may also be influenced by the sort of packing material you want to employ. Some materials may work better with vertical packaging, while others may be more suitable for horizontal packaging.


La elección entre métodos de envasado vertical y horizontal es una cuestión crítica en la industria del envasado que puede afectar a la calidad, la eficiencia y la comerciabilidad del producto. As a leading packaging machine manufacturer in China, Soontrue (en inglés) offers a wide range of Máquinas de envasado including Envasadora vertical and máquina de envasado horizontal. If you are looking for them, contact us now!