Tipos de máquinas de envasado de alimentos

30 de enero de 2024

Food packaging is a crucial aspect of the food industry, ensuring the safety, freshness, and quality of products while also enhancing their shelf life. In this quickly changing business, food packaging machines play an important role in optimizing the packaging process. These machines are intended to handle a wide range of food items efficiently and effectively.  In this article, we will delve into the different types of food packaging machines and their applications.

Máquinas verticales de formado, llenado y sellado (VFFS)

Vertical Form-Fill-Seal machines are a staple in the food packaging industry, offering a versatile solution for packaging a wide range of products. These devices are widely used to process snacks, grains, powders, and liquids. A bag is formed from a roll of film, filled with the required product, and sealed vertically. VFFS machines are known for their high-speed operation, lo que los hace especialmente adecuados para la producción a gran escala. Their versatility and efficiency have contributed to the widespread usage of VFFS machines in a variety of food packaging applications.

Máquinas horizontales de formado, llenado y sellado (HFFS)

Horizontal Form-Fill-Seal machines are comparable to their vertical counterparts but function horizontally. This makes them suitable for packing bulkier items like bread, chocolate, and frozen goods. HFFS machines follow a sequence of forming a bag, filling it with the product, and sealing it horizontally. Their versatility and ability to handle a diverse range of products make them essential in the food packaging process, especially for items that may not fit well within the constraints of vertical packaging.

Máquinas de envasado al vacío

Vacuum packaging machines play a crucial role in extending the shelf life of perishable food items.Al eliminar el aire del envase antes del sellado, estas máquinas inhiben el crecimiento de microorganismos y reducen la oxidación, preservando la frescura y la calidad de los productos.Vacuum packing is often used for meats, cheeses, and fresh fruit. The capacity to produce an oxygen-free atmosphere helps to avoid spoiling and preserve the nutritional value of packaged foods.

Máquinas de termoformado

Las máquinas de termoformado están diseñadas para artículos que requieren una estructura similar a una bandeja para el embalaje.The procedure entails heating a plastic sheet, shaping it into a specified shape, and then filling and closing the package. Thermoforming is widely utilized for packaging meat, poultry, and ready-to-eat meals. The ability to customize the packaging shape according to the product's requirements enhances the visual appeal and functionality of the final package.

Máquinas de envasado aséptico

Aseptic packaging machines are critical for maintaining the sterility of both the product and the packaging material during the filling process. This method is particularly important for products like dairy, beverages, and soups. Aseptic packaging keeps the items free of contaminants, giving them a longer shelf life without the need for refrigeration. This technology is critical for ensuring the quality and safety of delicate and perishable food and beverage goods.

Máquinas de envoltura retráctil

Shrink wrapping machines provide a cost-effective and visually appealing packaging solution by using heat to shrink a plastic film tightly around a product. This strategy is widely used to bundle products including beverage packs, canned foods, and multipacks of snacks. The shrink-wrapped wrapping not only safeguards the items but also improves their look on store shelves, making them more appealing and marketable.

Máquinas estuchadoras

Cartoning machines play a crucial role in the final stages of the packaging process by placing products into cartons or boxes and sealing them.Los cereales, las comidas congeladas y los bocadillos se benefician de este procedimiento, que agrega una capa adicional de protección durante el envío y el almacenamiento.Cartoning machines contribute to the overall packaging efficiency by automating the last steps of the process, ensuring that the products reach consumers in pristine condition.


In the dynamic landscape of the food industry, the efficiency and precision offered by food packaging machines are indispensable. As a professional proveedor de máquinas empacadoras de alimentos, Soontrue (en inglés) offers a variety of Máquinas empacadoras de alimentos to fit different applications. Visit our site today to learn more about what we offer.
Máquinas de envasado de alimentos