Envoltura vs máquina empacadora de flujo: ¿Cuál es la diferencia?

18 de febrero de 2024

Overwrapping and flow packing are two widely used packaging processes. Both play important roles in product packaging, although their procedures and uses are vastly different. Understanding the differences between these two methods is crucial for businesses seeking the most suitable packaging solution for their products. Keep reading this post and delve into the distinctions between overwrapping and flow packing machines.

Máquinas de envoltura

Overwrapping machines, often called cellophane wrapping machines, are a flexible packaging solution used in a variety of sectors. They excel in providing a sleek, professional finish to individual or bundled products. Here's a deeper look at the key features of overwrapping machines:
Versatilidad: One of the key benefits of overwrapping machines is their capacity to handle various items. Whether it's boxes, trays, blister packs, or irregularly shaped items, overwrapping machines can accommodate various shapes and sizes, making them ideal for businesses with a wide product portfolio.
Presentación mejorada: La envoltura ofrece una visibilidad incomparable del producto, lo que permite a los consumidores ver el contenido del paquete.This openness is especially useful in retail contexts where the visual attractiveness of the goods influences purchase decisions. Additionally, the tight, neatly folded wrap enhances the presentation, making products more attractive on store shelves.
Resistencia a la manipulación: Overwrapping creates an excellent tamper-evident seal, protecting the product's integrity from manufacturing to consumption. This feature is crucial for industries such as pharmaceuticals and food, where product safety and authenticity are paramount. Overwrapping increases customer trust and confidence in the goods by clearly showing any tampering efforts.
Personalización:Overwrapping films can be customized with branding elements, logos, and promotional messages.Este nivel de personalización no solo refuerza la identidad de la marca, sino que también sirve como herramienta de marketing para captar la atención del consumidor.Businesses may use printed films to communicate critical information, promotions, or product characteristics directly on their packaging, increasing brand awareness and recognition.

Máquinas de envasado de flujo

Flow packing machines, also known as horizontal form fill seal (HFFS) machines or pillow packing machines, provide a fast and effective packaging option for a variety of items. They excel in creating sealed packages with a consistent appearance and dimensions. Here are the key features of flow packing machines:
Alta velocidad:Flow packing machines are well-known for their high-speed packaging capabilities, haciéndolos útiles en empresas con necesidades de producción de alto volumen. With rapid forming, filling, and sealing processes, these machines can significantly increase throughput and operational efficiency, minimizing production downtime and meeting tight deadlines.
Uso eficiente del material:Flow packing machines optimize material usage by forming packages around the product, thereby reducing waste and lowering packaging costs. By reducing unnecessary material and employing accurate sealing processes, these devices help to promote sustainability while increasing corporate profitability.
Protección sellada:Flow packing creates a hermetically sealed barrier around the product, safeguarding it against external contaminants, moisture, and tampering. This degree of protection is especially important for perishable commodities, sensitive electronics, and pharmaceutical products since it preserves product integrity and extends shelf life.
Embalaje uniforme:Flow packaging machines maintain consistent package look and proportions,lo que mejora la presentación del producto y el atractivo de los estantes. Consistent packaging improves brand image and simplifies inventory management and distribution processes, streamlining logistics and reducing operational complexities.

Factores distintivos

While both overwrapping and flow packing machines serve the purpose of packaging goods, several factors differentiate them:
Estilo de empaque:Overwrapping provides a tight, folded box around the goods, mientras que el empaque de flujo da como resultado un recipiente sellado con material sobrante en los extremos.
Compatibilidad del producto: Overwrapping is suitable for individual items or small bundles, whereas flow packing is more suitable for continuous, uniform products.
Velocidad y eficiencia: Flow packing machines generally offer higher packaging speeds and efficiency compared to overwrapping machines.
Uso de materiales:Overwrapping may require more packaging material compared to flow packing, que maximiza el consumo de material mediante la creación de paquetes alrededor del producto.


La elección entre las máquinas de envoltura y las de envasado por flujo depende de factores como el tipo de producto, el estilo de envasado deseado, el volumen de producción y los requisitos de eficiencia. Businesses that understand the distinctions between these two technologies may make more educated judgments about their packaging need. Soontrue (en inglés) is a professional proveedor de máquinas empacadoras, specializing in a variety of packing machines including Máquinas de envasado por flujo. Please feel free to visit our site today to learn more about what we offer.