Máquinas empacadoras Case Vs Cartoning: ¿Cuáles son las diferencias?

18 de enero de 2024

In the world of packaging machinery, efficiency and precision are paramount. Cartoning machines and case packing machines are two types of machinery that are widely utilized in the packaging business. While both are important components of the packaging process, they perform different functions and have distinct characteristics. This article aims to shed light on the key differences between cartoning and case packing machines.

¿Qué son las máquinas estuchadoras?

Las máquinas estuchadoras están diseñadas para automatizar el proceso de empaquetado de artículos individuales en cajas de cartón o cajas. These machines are often used for cereal boxes, medications, and other consumer items. Cartoning machines can handle a range of carton types, such as tuck-in, glue, and fold.

Características clave de las máquinas estuchadoras


Cartoning machines are extremely versatile in handling a wide range of carton shapes and sizes. This versatility is critical for companies that manufacture a wide range of products with unique packaging needs. Whether it's a tuck-in, glue, or fold style carton, these machines can be configured to seamlessly integrate with the specific needs of the product being packaged.


La velocidad es un atributo clave de las máquinas estuchadoras, lo que las hace ideales para las líneas de producción en masa.The capacity to function at fast rates guarantees that items are packaged efficiently, hence increasing total production efficiency. This feature is particularly beneficial in industries where high volumes of goods need to be packaged within a limited timeframe.

Orientación al producto

Maintaining the correct orientation of products within the carton is essential for both presentation and functionality. Cartoning machines may be outfitted with modern technologies like vision systems and robotic arms to ensure accurate product positioning and orientation. This attention to detail is especially important in industries where product aesthetics and consumer experience play a significant role.

¿Qué son las máquinas empacadoras de cajas?

Las máquinas empacadoras de cajas, por otro lado, están especialmente diseñadas para colocar artículos en cajas o cajas para su distribución de manera eficiente. These machines are widely used in industries such as food and beverage, cosmetics, and electronics, where products are often grouped and shipped in larger quantities.

Características clave de las máquinas empacadoras de cajas

Embalaje a granel

Case packing machines excel in handling bulk quantities of products efficiently. Whether gathering things for wholesale distribution or preparing products for shipment to retailers, these machines are built to manage the difficulty of putting multiple products into cases quickly and precisely.

Carga de precisión

Precision loading is a critical aspect of case packing machines. These devices are designed to maximize space within cases, asegurarse de que los artículos estén correctamente embalados y reducir la posibilidad de daños durante el transporte. This precision loading capability becomes increasingly important in industries with delicate products or specific stacking requirements.

Alto rendimiento

The high throughput of case packing machines is a key factor contributing to their effectiveness in large-scale production environments. Their capacity to handle a large number of items in a short time makes them important in businesses with tight production deadlines and distribution requirements.

Factores distintivos

Here are some key distinguishing factors:

Función primaria

Cartoning machines are primarily used to pack individual products into cartons, with an emphasis on appearance and retail readiness. On the other hand, case packing machines are specifically designed for the efficient loading of products into larger cases or boxes, focusing on the logistics and distribution phase.

Tamaño y tipo de producto

Cartoning machines are ideal for smaller, individually packaged products often found on store shelves. In contrast, case packing machines shine when dealing with bulk quantities of products, Garantizar una agrupación y carga eficientes en contenedores de envío más grandes.

Uso final

Understanding the end use of these machines is crucial. Cartoning machines are often employed in retail settings, donde la presentación de productos individuales a los consumidores es primordial. Case packing machines, on the other hand, are essential in the final phases of the supply chain, when items are prepared for transportation and distribution.


In conclusion, the nuanced features of cartoning and case packing machines make them indispensable in the packaging industry. As a leading proveedor de máquinas empacadoras, Soontrue (en inglés) is devoted to offering a wide range of packing machines including Máquinas estuchadoras. If you are looking for top-quality Máquinas estuchadoras, look no further than us!
Máquinas empacadoras de estuchado